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Historical Map of the Mexican State (estado) of Morelos, around 1910.
Emiliano's Childhood
Humble beginnings give Mexico's most popular revolutionary leader the start of his career. His origins lead into his extraordinary outcomes.
A Revolutionary is Born
After years of tireless agricultural work Zapata gathers his followers which unravels into the Mexican government's biggest opposition movement.
Emiliano's Fight
Day after day Zapatistas fight along Emiliano. The one thing to divulge their problems comes in the form of plans. Plans, plans, and more plans lead to the most important overall, The Plan de Ayala.
"I want to die a slave to principles, not to men."
"I am resolved to fight against everything and everyone with only the trust, love, and support of my people."
Source: Hart, Paul. Emiliano Zapata: Mexico's Social Revolutionary. 2018.284-285.
The Impact of Emiliano Zapata
Emiliano's outcomes implemented in Morelos helped many people. However, even as the revolution continued Emiliano met his sad fate. His legacy continued to thrive in the hearts of the Mexican people and extends to modern times.
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